Orlando Web Design
Orlando Web Design
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In the next 15 minutes, I am going to explain to you exactly what is wrong with most websites, how you can fix it, and exactly how you can leverage the power of your website to thrive in a post COVID world.
From restaurant menus, to sales presentations, to grocery shopping, and more—basically everything has gone online. And now, more than ever, your customers EXPECT to do business with you online. Now, this has been a major challenge for most businesses since their websites were never originally designed with this type of heavy emphasis on customer interaction that is now EXPECTED by most of your website’s visitors.
Consequently, as a business owner, you have one of three options:
We are here to help you DOMINATE. In fact, we are so serious about it that we can only work with one company in any industry in a local marketplace. Why? Because we can’t make more than one company the #1 dominant company in the marketplace. And we cannot and will not compete against our own clients with new clients. It is both impossible and unethical. Only one company can be #1 and the Power Marketing Agency has the greatest record of making our clients #1. But we can only work with one company in your industry. It will either be you or your competitor, whoever gets to us first.
So, let’s talk about what your website needs to do, say, and have, in order to take advantage of the POST-COVID expectations of the marketplace.
And then even those that do create videos, 90% of the time, create them wrong, with the wrong content, the wrong message, and without a specific purpose. They just don’t know any better. They think that cool videos that look cool or look good, is all that matters. Others think that crappy videos taken with cell phones, that feel real or authentic, are what’s best. Both are wrong.
What you need are STRATEGIC videos that have a SPECIFIC purpose, that solve a SPECIFIC problem, or answer a SPECIFIC question, or direct a SPECIFIC behavior for your website visitors. It is all about the SPECIFIC strategy. If you get this wrong, you can expect very little response from your web traffic.
So the point is you have to make lots of videos and the content has to be strategically developed. Perhaps you are thinking it is too much work. If that is the case, that is fine, no worries. You can watch the rest of this video and learn from it, but the truth be told, we are probably not a good match for each other.
At the Power Marketing Agency, we only accept applicants who are willing to do whatever it takes, as long as its legal, ethical, and moral, to become the number one company in their industry and marketplace. If that’s you, then yes, we should work together. Because yes, we will do the work for you. We will create the perfect strategy for your business AND develop the video content for your entire website to ensure your customers and prospects come to this conclusion about your business, “I’d have to be completely insane to do business with anybody else but you, no matter the price!”
That’s what a strategic web development process looks like and that is what we do at the Power Marketing Agency.
First of all, consider the most valuable and highly visited internet properties today. Sites like Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, and the like. These are the internet’s most popular and highly visited websites in the entire world, and quite frankly there is very little difference in the layout and function of these various sites. And the reason for it is simple—after more than 2 decades of daily internet use by most people, general behaviors on websites have become standardized. In other words, when the average internet user visits a website, they have general pre-determined expectations for how your website should work, how it should look, what it should do, and where they should go to find what they’re looking for.
If you alter that in exchange for something that you think is cool, or creative, or neat, or hip, or whatever, you are simply going to end up frustrating your prospects and customers, and leaving a bad taste in their mouth, regardless of how “beautiful” you think your website is.
Furthermore, ask yourself this question, do you want a “beautiful” website or a website that makes you money? The answer should be obvious.
I want you to consider how much money small business owners have earned using YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon to sell their products and services. It is absolutely insane. We’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars, right? Yet take a look at a Facebook page, they are all the same! The only thing different is the banner and profile picture. Same goes for YouTube. Everyone’s YouTube channel looks the same. You only get to customize the banner and profile pic. Same story for Amazon and eBay stores. Everyone gets the same template, right?
The reason for this is simple—these layouts simply work and customers are used to them so they know what to do, where to go, and how to interact. What separates the winners from the losers on these platforms is the CONTENT they provide to their customer base. The layout is all the same, but those with strategic content that their customers actually care about are those who win!
You see, your custom website actually frustrates these models because they frustrate the users experience based on their ingrained behaviors from using the internet over the last 20 years. Therefore, a custom designed website, no matter how beautiful you think it is, can actually backfire and cause your customers to have an overall bad experience with your website that they then overall relate to your company.
So the key is to follow a layout that is PROVEN and focus on strategic content that converts. Let me say that again for sake of emphasis, use a layout that is proven and then focus your efforts ON CONTENT THAT CONVERTS. And “content that converts,” more specifically, is content that ultimately makes you money. And by “converting,” I mean to say that your content moves your prospects down along the sales cycle to ultimately becoming paying customers. That is conversion. Because most of you don’t actually sell stuff on your website, meaning you don’t have an e-commerce store. Rather, your website is a sales support tool that assists you in the process of selling your products and services. Which, brings me to the next major point...
In the end, we determined that there are 7 distinct types of websites developed for various businesses. The type of business you have determines which of these 7 distinct types of websites you need to build. Beyond that there are only 4 page designs, or layouts, that should be used to maximize customer interaction and ultimately, conversion.
So the first thing you have to do is properly select which of the 7 distinct types of websites your company should use in Orlando. We do this for you during one of proprietary Web Strategy Sessions. During this session, we figure out everything we need to know about your business to properly direct you to the proper type of website you should develop for your business. Remember, there are 7 types, and you cannot mix and match. You have to pick one of the seven and you must pick correctly or suffer the consequences. Then, we build a complete web strategy for you including what every page of your website should look like, should say, how you should strategically orient your videos, what incentives you should offer, how you should facilitate the buying process for your visitors, and ultimately what the strategic purpose of the entire website is. This includes when to use which of the 4 layouts.
Properly using these 4 layouts ensures that you get the maximum conversion by intentionally directing the behavior of your prospects. In other words, regardless of the reason WHY your visitors landed on your website, your job is to develop your website so perfectly and properly, that when prospects visit your website, you intentionally steer their behavior to take the action steps you want them to take in order to lead them to ultimately buy your product or service. In other words, your job is to facilitate the decision making process and in doing so, maximize conversions. This should be the ultimate purpose of your website—to facilitate the decision making process and convert visitors into customers. In other words, TO MAKE MONEY!
Yes, your website can do this—and yes, I admit, it is relatively complicated to get it right. That is why we have dedicated so much time and energy to building and creating the industries only proprietary scientific web strategy process that guarantees our customers get it right, every time.
You see, most businesses screw this up because they’re just flying by the seat of their pants and making website decisions based on their tastes for design, or what they think looks good, or what they saw on another site that they thought was cool.
At the Power Marketing Agency, we don’t leave this to chance, we follow our proprietary scientific model that was developed after spending thousands and thousands of dollars on testing over the course of a decade, all over the world. You simply cannot find a better or more refined system. It is so good, in fact, that as you already know, we can only do it for you or your competitor in your marketplace. We simply don’t work with more than one company in a particular industry in any local marketplace.
Problem 1 - Your Orlando website does not immediately satisfy the visitor’s wants or needs. This is a big problem. If someone is visiting your website, they are there for a reason. If they can’t find satisfaction for their want or need within a fraction of a split second, they’re frustrated. Its the way we’ve been groomed by the internet. Visitors to your website need to find an immediate solution to their wants or needs, and most website layouts fail big time in this regard.
Problem 2 - Your Orlando website doe not make it immediately evident what your company does or offers. Yes, YOU know what you do and what you offer, but does a brand new visitor know? Can they tell? Or does a visitor have to dig and search to find out what in the world you even offer! This is remarkably common yet most business owners don’t even realize that this is a problem because they see their own website from their perspective and not the perspective of a brand new visitor.
Problem 3 - Your Orlando website does not give any visitor any compelling reason to take the next step in the buying process. This is the purpose of your website in the first place—to get your customer to move along to the next step in the buying process. But most websites do nothing in this regard. Simply put, without a specific and intentional web strategy to ensure that your customers MOVE forward along the sales cycle with specific and intentional incentives that you’ve given them to compel them to do so, your website simply will not convert your visitors into customers like you want it to.
Problem 4 - Your Orlando website is full of platitudes. If you are familiar with Power Marketing’s principles at all, you know that platitudes are totally the kiss of death when it comes to your marketing copy and messaging. And here’s what I can guarantee you—your website is full of platitudes. In fact, when we do a strategic review of your website, one of the first things we point out is how platitude-loaded your website is. Most business owners are shocked to recognize just how bad this problem is, not only on their website, but on all of their marketing material.
To learn more about how deadly platitudes are, how to identify them in your marketing material, and ultimately how to eliminate them forever, and get 4 to 100X better response on your marketing efforts, sign up for our free course on Marketing Fundamentals.
A fifth bonus problem that I’ll throw in there that should be really obvious in this day, but that somehow many businesses are still missing completely is the absolutely necessity to have your website compatible with mobile devices. Whether we like it or not, mobile access to the internet has long surpassed desktop access. And even though in a business to business context, the majority of your prospects and customers will still visit your website from a desktop device, it is still a reality that a large percentage of your website visitors are now coming from mobile devices. And the mobile experience simply cannot be a watered down experience. 100 percent of your desktop content must show and properly display on a mobile device. All your videos have to play. Everything has to work without pinching and zooming and having things cut off and things like that.
In short, your website can’t just be mobile friendly or mobile optimized, you have to have a complete version of your website designed with mobile in mind, that does not lack one iota of content from your main website. Everything has to be there. Think about it, do you want your next BIG PROSPECT to land on your website on his mobile device only to bounce because it looked like crap or didn’t work? Of course not.
So if your website does not work on mobile devices PERFECTLY, you have to fix it, and you have to fix it now.
There’s a lot of strategic development in this process and that’s a lot of new knowledge that you’ve gained just by watching this short video.
The question now is—what are you going to do with that knowledge. Are you simply going to sit on this knowledge and newfound information, or are you going to take action to ensure that you not only survive, but that you literally THRIVE in your marketplace. Do you really want to be #1? Or if you’re already #1, do you want to ensure that you stay there permanently and that no other competitor can ever surpass you?
Well, the ultimate solution to the problem is actually quite simple and we’ve refined it into a simple 47 minute meeting called the Web Strategy Analysis. During this meeting we will review your existing website and determine where your greatest gaps and opportunities for improvement are. We will also help you determine the path for your overall Web Strategy so you know exactly what a complete Web Strategy for your business would look like. When we are done, you will know exactly what you need to do, the immediate action steps to take, and what you could expect from finally having an actual strategy to your company’s web presence, and not just having a simple website. The Web Strategy Analysis is a simple investment of $99, and it comes with the following iron-clad moneyback guarantee—if you don’t believe you received your time and money’s worth during our 47 minute Web Strategy Analysis, we will give you 100% of your money back. It is as simple as that.
To schedule your Web Strategy Analysis with the Power Marketing Agency today, simply fill out the form below or give us a call at (321) 977-1444. We look forward to building your Web Strategy for you and watching you become #1.
COVID Made Websites More Important Than Ever
The so called COVID crisis has changed everything for businesses whether we like it or not. Most of all, what it has meant, is that the vast majority of people are now pre-disposed to prefer to do business with you virtually, or at least not in person. Now this can take on many different forms depending upon the type of business that you are in, but in most cases, this has meant a heavy reliance on businesses websites.From restaurant menus, to sales presentations, to grocery shopping, and more—basically everything has gone online. And now, more than ever, your customers EXPECT to do business with you online. Now, this has been a major challenge for most businesses since their websites were never originally designed with this type of heavy emphasis on customer interaction that is now EXPECTED by most of your website’s visitors.
Consequently, as a business owner, you have one of three options:
- You can complain about it and do nothing and end up in worse shape.
- You can leave everything alone and assume that you will still fare well and be okay.
- You can take advantage of these changes and be the FIRST and possibly ONLY company in your industry and marketplace to make the necessary changes to your website to satisfy your customers and prospects expectations and thereby DOMINATE your marketplace.
We are here to help you DOMINATE. In fact, we are so serious about it that we can only work with one company in any industry in a local marketplace. Why? Because we can’t make more than one company the #1 dominant company in the marketplace. And we cannot and will not compete against our own clients with new clients. It is both impossible and unethical. Only one company can be #1 and the Power Marketing Agency has the greatest record of making our clients #1. But we can only work with one company in your industry. It will either be you or your competitor, whoever gets to us first.
So, let’s talk about what your website needs to do, say, and have, in order to take advantage of the POST-COVID expectations of the marketplace.
Before I get to the biggest problems with most websites, let me share with you what the #1 element of a good website, especially now in the post-covid world. And that is—VIDEOS. Your website should be filled with informative videos that each are strategically designed and developed for a specific purpose. Yes, I know, this is a lot of work, and that is why most companies don’t do it.And then even those that do create videos, 90% of the time, create them wrong, with the wrong content, the wrong message, and without a specific purpose. They just don’t know any better. They think that cool videos that look cool or look good, is all that matters. Others think that crappy videos taken with cell phones, that feel real or authentic, are what’s best. Both are wrong.
What you need are STRATEGIC videos that have a SPECIFIC purpose, that solve a SPECIFIC problem, or answer a SPECIFIC question, or direct a SPECIFIC behavior for your website visitors. It is all about the SPECIFIC strategy. If you get this wrong, you can expect very little response from your web traffic.
So the point is you have to make lots of videos and the content has to be strategically developed. Perhaps you are thinking it is too much work. If that is the case, that is fine, no worries. You can watch the rest of this video and learn from it, but the truth be told, we are probably not a good match for each other.
At the Power Marketing Agency, we only accept applicants who are willing to do whatever it takes, as long as its legal, ethical, and moral, to become the number one company in their industry and marketplace. If that’s you, then yes, we should work together. Because yes, we will do the work for you. We will create the perfect strategy for your business AND develop the video content for your entire website to ensure your customers and prospects come to this conclusion about your business, “I’d have to be completely insane to do business with anybody else but you, no matter the price!”
That’s what a strategic web development process looks like and that is what we do at the Power Marketing Agency.
Contrary to popular belief, having a beautiful, award winning custom designed website is actually a waste of energy, money, and resources. I know this is counter-intuitive, but it is true. Let me explain to you WHY, and HOW we know that this is true (hint, its all in the testing).First of all, consider the most valuable and highly visited internet properties today. Sites like Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, and the like. These are the internet’s most popular and highly visited websites in the entire world, and quite frankly there is very little difference in the layout and function of these various sites. And the reason for it is simple—after more than 2 decades of daily internet use by most people, general behaviors on websites have become standardized. In other words, when the average internet user visits a website, they have general pre-determined expectations for how your website should work, how it should look, what it should do, and where they should go to find what they’re looking for.
If you alter that in exchange for something that you think is cool, or creative, or neat, or hip, or whatever, you are simply going to end up frustrating your prospects and customers, and leaving a bad taste in their mouth, regardless of how “beautiful” you think your website is.
Furthermore, ask yourself this question, do you want a “beautiful” website or a website that makes you money? The answer should be obvious.
I want you to consider how much money small business owners have earned using YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon to sell their products and services. It is absolutely insane. We’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars, right? Yet take a look at a Facebook page, they are all the same! The only thing different is the banner and profile picture. Same goes for YouTube. Everyone’s YouTube channel looks the same. You only get to customize the banner and profile pic. Same story for Amazon and eBay stores. Everyone gets the same template, right?
The reason for this is simple—these layouts simply work and customers are used to them so they know what to do, where to go, and how to interact. What separates the winners from the losers on these platforms is the CONTENT they provide to their customer base. The layout is all the same, but those with strategic content that their customers actually care about are those who win!
You see, your custom website actually frustrates these models because they frustrate the users experience based on their ingrained behaviors from using the internet over the last 20 years. Therefore, a custom designed website, no matter how beautiful you think it is, can actually backfire and cause your customers to have an overall bad experience with your website that they then overall relate to your company.
So the key is to follow a layout that is PROVEN and focus on strategic content that converts. Let me say that again for sake of emphasis, use a layout that is proven and then focus your efforts ON CONTENT THAT CONVERTS. And “content that converts,” more specifically, is content that ultimately makes you money. And by “converting,” I mean to say that your content moves your prospects down along the sales cycle to ultimately becoming paying customers. That is conversion. Because most of you don’t actually sell stuff on your website, meaning you don’t have an e-commerce store. Rather, your website is a sales support tool that assists you in the process of selling your products and services. Which, brings me to the next major point...
I told you before I would let you know HOW we know this stuff, or how we came to these conclusions, and then I hinted that it was all about the testing. Well, simply put, I don’t know of any organization that works with local businesses who has done more testing for local websites than the Power Marketing Agency. Through our worldwide network of Marketing Consultants in the Power Marketing Consultants Network, we have tested layouts, designs, colors, fonts, features, functions, and more in over 100 industries, in 9 countries, 3 languages, and nearly all 50 states in America. And after testing everything, making updates, changes, refinements, and more, we finally were able to develop a system and a true scientific model to maximize conversion for nearly any business in any industry in virtually any place on earth. Regardless of the size of the marketplace.In the end, we determined that there are 7 distinct types of websites developed for various businesses. The type of business you have determines which of these 7 distinct types of websites you need to build. Beyond that there are only 4 page designs, or layouts, that should be used to maximize customer interaction and ultimately, conversion.
So the first thing you have to do is properly select which of the 7 distinct types of websites your company should use in Orlando. We do this for you during one of proprietary Web Strategy Sessions. During this session, we figure out everything we need to know about your business to properly direct you to the proper type of website you should develop for your business. Remember, there are 7 types, and you cannot mix and match. You have to pick one of the seven and you must pick correctly or suffer the consequences. Then, we build a complete web strategy for you including what every page of your website should look like, should say, how you should strategically orient your videos, what incentives you should offer, how you should facilitate the buying process for your visitors, and ultimately what the strategic purpose of the entire website is. This includes when to use which of the 4 layouts.
Properly using these 4 layouts ensures that you get the maximum conversion by intentionally directing the behavior of your prospects. In other words, regardless of the reason WHY your visitors landed on your website, your job is to develop your website so perfectly and properly, that when prospects visit your website, you intentionally steer their behavior to take the action steps you want them to take in order to lead them to ultimately buy your product or service. In other words, your job is to facilitate the decision making process and in doing so, maximize conversions. This should be the ultimate purpose of your website—to facilitate the decision making process and convert visitors into customers. In other words, TO MAKE MONEY!
Yes, your website can do this—and yes, I admit, it is relatively complicated to get it right. That is why we have dedicated so much time and energy to building and creating the industries only proprietary scientific web strategy process that guarantees our customers get it right, every time.
You see, most businesses screw this up because they’re just flying by the seat of their pants and making website decisions based on their tastes for design, or what they think looks good, or what they saw on another site that they thought was cool.
At the Power Marketing Agency, we don’t leave this to chance, we follow our proprietary scientific model that was developed after spending thousands and thousands of dollars on testing over the course of a decade, all over the world. You simply cannot find a better or more refined system. It is so good, in fact, that as you already know, we can only do it for you or your competitor in your marketplace. We simply don’t work with more than one company in a particular industry in any local marketplace.
Websites of today are plagued with tons of problems that ultimately undermine your goal of facilitating the buying process and turning your visitors into customers. However, I am only going to focus on 4 Big Problems that are most prevalent amongst small businesses, particularly B2B websites, or businesses who sell to other businesses.Problem 1 - Your Orlando website does not immediately satisfy the visitor’s wants or needs. This is a big problem. If someone is visiting your website, they are there for a reason. If they can’t find satisfaction for their want or need within a fraction of a split second, they’re frustrated. Its the way we’ve been groomed by the internet. Visitors to your website need to find an immediate solution to their wants or needs, and most website layouts fail big time in this regard.
Problem 2 - Your Orlando website doe not make it immediately evident what your company does or offers. Yes, YOU know what you do and what you offer, but does a brand new visitor know? Can they tell? Or does a visitor have to dig and search to find out what in the world you even offer! This is remarkably common yet most business owners don’t even realize that this is a problem because they see their own website from their perspective and not the perspective of a brand new visitor.
Problem 3 - Your Orlando website does not give any visitor any compelling reason to take the next step in the buying process. This is the purpose of your website in the first place—to get your customer to move along to the next step in the buying process. But most websites do nothing in this regard. Simply put, without a specific and intentional web strategy to ensure that your customers MOVE forward along the sales cycle with specific and intentional incentives that you’ve given them to compel them to do so, your website simply will not convert your visitors into customers like you want it to.
Problem 4 - Your Orlando website is full of platitudes. If you are familiar with Power Marketing’s principles at all, you know that platitudes are totally the kiss of death when it comes to your marketing copy and messaging. And here’s what I can guarantee you—your website is full of platitudes. In fact, when we do a strategic review of your website, one of the first things we point out is how platitude-loaded your website is. Most business owners are shocked to recognize just how bad this problem is, not only on their website, but on all of their marketing material.
To learn more about how deadly platitudes are, how to identify them in your marketing material, and ultimately how to eliminate them forever, and get 4 to 100X better response on your marketing efforts, sign up for our free course on Marketing Fundamentals.
A fifth bonus problem that I’ll throw in there that should be really obvious in this day, but that somehow many businesses are still missing completely is the absolutely necessity to have your website compatible with mobile devices. Whether we like it or not, mobile access to the internet has long surpassed desktop access. And even though in a business to business context, the majority of your prospects and customers will still visit your website from a desktop device, it is still a reality that a large percentage of your website visitors are now coming from mobile devices. And the mobile experience simply cannot be a watered down experience. 100 percent of your desktop content must show and properly display on a mobile device. All your videos have to play. Everything has to work without pinching and zooming and having things cut off and things like that.
In short, your website can’t just be mobile friendly or mobile optimized, you have to have a complete version of your website designed with mobile in mind, that does not lack one iota of content from your main website. Everything has to be there. Think about it, do you want your next BIG PROSPECT to land on your website on his mobile device only to bounce because it looked like crap or didn’t work? Of course not.
So if your website does not work on mobile devices PERFECTLY, you have to fix it, and you have to fix it now.
You now know more about problems with websites and many of the solutions to those problems, than 99% of business owners, and most certainly more than any of your immediate competitors. Most specifically you know that to dominate online your website needs to:- Make strategic use of videos that are strategically developed with a specific purpose, a specific message, and a specific intention. And you have to have lots of videos, for nearly every major page on your website.
- Should not use a custom design, but rather one of 4 proven layouts that align with customers ingrained online behavior.
- Must properly choose one of the 7 design styles for your type of business—which admittedly you don’t know what those 7 design styles are, but at least you know they exist.
- Must work perfectly on mobile devices without lacking any content.
- Must eliminate platitudes.
- Must satisfy visitors needs and wants immediately.
- Must make it immediately evident what you do or offer.
- Must give your visitors a compelling reason to take the next step in the buying process. In other words, it must facilitate the buying decision for your visitors.
There’s a lot of strategic development in this process and that’s a lot of new knowledge that you’ve gained just by watching this short video.
The question now is—what are you going to do with that knowledge. Are you simply going to sit on this knowledge and newfound information, or are you going to take action to ensure that you not only survive, but that you literally THRIVE in your marketplace. Do you really want to be #1? Or if you’re already #1, do you want to ensure that you stay there permanently and that no other competitor can ever surpass you?
Well, the ultimate solution to the problem is actually quite simple and we’ve refined it into a simple 47 minute meeting called the Web Strategy Analysis. During this meeting we will review your existing website and determine where your greatest gaps and opportunities for improvement are. We will also help you determine the path for your overall Web Strategy so you know exactly what a complete Web Strategy for your business would look like. When we are done, you will know exactly what you need to do, the immediate action steps to take, and what you could expect from finally having an actual strategy to your company’s web presence, and not just having a simple website. The Web Strategy Analysis is a simple investment of $99, and it comes with the following iron-clad moneyback guarantee—if you don’t believe you received your time and money’s worth during our 47 minute Web Strategy Analysis, we will give you 100% of your money back. It is as simple as that.
To schedule your Web Strategy Analysis with the Power Marketing Agency today, simply fill out the form below or give us a call at (321) 977-1444. We look forward to building your Web Strategy for you and watching you become #1.
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Power Marketing Agency
1317 Edgewater Dr. Suite 5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(321) 475-8777
(321) 362-7564 fax
Power Marketing Agency
1317 Edgewater Dr. Suite 5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(321) 475-8777
(321) 362-7564 fax