Learn How to Grow Your Business
and Make More Money
Learn How to Grow Your Business and Make More Money
Welcome to the Power Marketing Agency. We are not just another marketing company or design house like you have seen or used in the past. We are the preeminent and dominant industry leader for marketing success for small and medium sized businesses.
We have earned this reputation for over more than a decade by consistently delivering results to our customers in nearly all 50 states, and on 5 continents. Numerous details, programs, services, and systems that are unique or exclusive to the Power Marketing Agency separate us from all competition, and I’ll share three major ones with you right now that allow us to build businesses, get more customers, and make more money for our clients…
We have earned this reputation for over more than a decade by consistently delivering results to our customers in nearly all 50 states, and on 5 continents. Numerous details, programs, services, and systems that are unique or exclusive to the Power Marketing Agency separate us from all competition, and I’ll share three major ones with you right now that allow us to build businesses, get more customers, and make more money for our clients…
1. Use of the Proprietary Power Marketing Program
Over 2 decades of research, training, and development brought us to the final creation of the world renowned Power Marketing Program. This proprietary program, only available to Certified Power Marketing Consultants is at the heart of the Power Marketing Agency’s services. It is a scientific approach to marketing and business development that virtually guarantees that, when implemented properly, causes your customers and prospects to draw this conclusion, “I’d have to be completely insane to do business with anybody but you, no matter the price.”
2. Provide Strategic Consulting Services
Most marketing companies and local ad agencies simply provide marketing services or fulfillment like design or video production or digital marketing services. Unfortunately, virtually none of them provide strategic consulting or business development services.
Ultimately this means that your marketing efforts are at best, underleveraged, or at worst, completely useless. A website, video, brochure, or advertisement is always going to be under-leveraged, no matter how beautifully it is designed, if the message is wrong, or if there is no strategic purpose behind the content.
At the Power Marketing Agency, your marketing campaigns are handled by one of our professionally trained and certified Power Marketing Consultants who will actually work with you develop strategies, messaging, and systems to ensure that your results are maximized. No other company offers this level of expertise.
Ultimately this means that your marketing efforts are at best, underleveraged, or at worst, completely useless. A website, video, brochure, or advertisement is always going to be under-leveraged, no matter how beautifully it is designed, if the message is wrong, or if there is no strategic purpose behind the content.
At the Power Marketing Agency, your marketing campaigns are handled by one of our professionally trained and certified Power Marketing Consultants who will actually work with you develop strategies, messaging, and systems to ensure that your results are maximized. No other company offers this level of expertise.
3. Provide All Services In House (Everyone Trained to Use the Power Marketing Program)
In order to ensure all marketing services from video production to web development, graphic design, etc., all consistently maintain the elements and fundamentals of the Power Marketing Program, we provide all agency services to our clients in house.
No longer do you have to work with a separate video company, and a separate design house, a separate web developer, and more. Now, all of your agency services are available from one point of contact—the Power Marketing Agency.
Additionally, this ensures maximum efficiency in the production process, and consistency of messaging and branding across all marketing channels, as we train all of our production team, designers, and agency development staff with the Power Marketing Program.
To learn more about how the Power Marketing Agency can help you build your business, get more customers, and make more money, be sure to click on the FREE Business Development Resources above, and then request a FREE Marketing Leverage Analysis.
But make sure to do so quickly, because our services are exclusive, meaning we can only work with one company in a given industry in a local marketplace. If you wait, your competitor can get to us first and then it will be too late. Request your Marketing Leverage Analysis today!
No longer do you have to work with a separate video company, and a separate design house, a separate web developer, and more. Now, all of your agency services are available from one point of contact—the Power Marketing Agency.
Additionally, this ensures maximum efficiency in the production process, and consistency of messaging and branding across all marketing channels, as we train all of our production team, designers, and agency development staff with the Power Marketing Program.
To learn more about how the Power Marketing Agency can help you build your business, get more customers, and make more money, be sure to click on the FREE Business Development Resources above, and then request a FREE Marketing Leverage Analysis.
But make sure to do so quickly, because our services are exclusive, meaning we can only work with one company in a given industry in a local marketplace. If you wait, your competitor can get to us first and then it will be too late. Request your Marketing Leverage Analysis today!
(321) 475-8777
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Power Marketing Agency
1317 Edgewater Dr. Suite 5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(321) 475-8777
(321) 362-7564 fax
Power Marketing Agency
1317 Edgewater Dr. Suite 5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(321) 475-8777
(321) 362-7564 fax